Sunday, March 24, 2013

The making of a lasagna

And then "my" chocolate souffle, not the best, not the worst, but a first.


Anonymous said...

hmm, it looks, um, interesting ;). Bet it taste great though!

Witchbitch said...

Yes it did. Try to beat that with your vegetarian variant!

Anonymous said...

you put meat in the souffle?! ;)

Witchbitch said...

No, of course not. But meat was in the lasagna.

Anonymous said...

That lasagna looks gorgeous, I must join you on the next lasagna night. At the end I ended up returning from Geneva much earlier beccause friend came to Zurich from Innsbruck to say goodbye to me. I remember thinking, had I accepted your invite, this would had been a situation where I would have cancelled on you!!. Hope your back is 100% back! Steph

Witchbitch said...

Back is fine now, thanks.

John said...

That's a good looking lasagna! Mama DePalma would be proud! :)

Witchbitch said...

Mama DePalma is welcome to join for the next lasagna evening!