Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Interior decorating

This things with friends got me thinking. My friend is renovating and buying new furniture. We have very, very different taste. She has chosen to let build a very rustic iron and wooden table, uneven so that you can let bread crumbs fall through the cracks, whereas I have a modern glass table.

She's the type to spend her holiday visiting Brockenhauses and antique shops, where I think it smells bad in there and wouldn't go near it with a barge pole.

Funny that, 'cause when I visit her I think her home is very tasteful. She has chosen things that fit in her place. Makes me wonder, does she think the same about me?


Anonymous said...

Well, I like your flat and your decoration a lot. I would not want all of it in my house - it would not match. But I think being different with different tastes is enriching my life more than en exchange with people who always share the same opinion, like the same things etc. :-) A

Witchbitch said...

Glad to hear it :).