Thursday, May 29, 2014

Me, me, me

You know, it's really funny with this Biggest loser on the American television. All of them, no exception, have seemingly always thought about other people and not themselves. In a whiny crying voice: "I was always taking care of other people, not thinking about myself".

I'm thinking, if that was the case, America would be a better nation than it is.

I think it's the opposite. They thought about themselves and nobody else. Stuffing themselves with fried fast-food and not thinking about their kids (raising them to be obese too!), their family, or how it would affect other people if they died.

Stats say that in the year 2015 75% of the American people will be overweight or obese. How's that only thinking about other people?

PS. I'm proud to say I always put myself first.


Anonymous said...

ha, ha, that's true, they do always say that. and yep, sounds like a load of bollocks to me too!


Witchbitch said...

Nice that you agree with me once in a while :).