Thursday, May 29, 2014

This bio thing

I have been cleaning my fan and part of that includes washing the three filters, that become a bit fatty now and then. Once a year is normally enough.

These filters have metal in them, and can only be run in the dishwasher at 50°C tops. My dishwasher have six different programs, but I have found that only one of them works. The one that takes the most energy, and runs at 60°C. I refuse to run another program when the dishes don't get clean.

And I have a really hard time believing that the 60°C program running for about 1,5 hours takes more energy than the "bio" program at 50°C that runs for 3,5 hours.

Correct me if I'm wrong, which is seldom, but this "bio" label doesn't do it for me.


Anonymous said...

ha, that doesn't even make sense, how can a dishwasher program be 'organic'?
However, I know that heating the water is what requires the most energy (I think its something like 80-90% of the energy) so it is possible/likely that the longer program uses less energy. Also, could be that the longer program has cold air drying instead of hot air drying, which uses less energy and would be why it takes so much longer.
Maybe it's possible to set it to 60 degree wash but cold air dry? Can't seem to do it on our dishwasher though.


Witchbitch said...

I have no idea, but it says "bio" on the button.
My machine has six different programs, and I cannot combine them.

Anonymous said...

yeah, that's what I thought - that 'ha' was not directed at you but at the dishwasher manufacturer.