Thursday, May 08, 2014


I cannot believe I made it! But I did. For the first time in my life I made a sauce! Or gravy or jus or reduction or whatever the masterchef people call it. For me it's a sauce.

And it was delish!

The reason I tried was that I saw a food show and watched somebody make it, and it didn't look too difficult. And it wasn't.

Too bad I'm not a fan of sauce. But I actually might change my mind, however strange that sounds!


Anonymous said...

so, what kind of sauce?

argh, when I hear/see a someone say or a restaurant menu with 'jus' on it its enough to make me wanna walk out in search of a wanker free zone. (Unless in France and on a drinks menu)


Witchbitch said...

Melt butter in pot. Add flour while constantly whisking (apparently this makes the sauce not taste floury). Add cream, a little a time, while still whisking or stirring. Add the leftover from your frying pan (whatever you were cooking) alternatively bouillon. I added a bouillon square and water. For spices I used pepper, fresh thyme and a hint of balsamic vinegar. Yum!

Anonymous said...

ah, so gravy then.

Witchbitch said...

Sauce, gravy, jus or reduction. Whatever you wanna call it, it was delish.