Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blondie resurrects

It went so-so with my hair-dying attempt yesterday. First of all, I realized it was another brand and that it had a different approach. 30 minutes instead of 20, and no plastic hood to wear. However, I was cautious and only had it in for about 20 minutes.

Which resulted in very little difference from before. It certainly wasn't ash-blonde as promised on the kit.

But as I only used half the bottle, I figured I could save it and use the other half today. All of yesterday it was kinda smelly in my bathroom, and this morning I understood why. The mix of the hair-thing had foamed overnight and was a bit all over the place.

So I took whatever I could lay my hands on, smeared it in once again (this time in dry hair as said on the package, as supposed to yesterday when I failed to read the instructions properly) and let it rest for another 20 minutes.

And voila! Today I am ash-blonde! I feel like I saved 150 francs.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, what was that about reading the instructions? and didn't you attempt the same keep it for later trick last time? fast learner eh? ;)


Witchbitch said...

I did read the instructions, only not good enough :).

Now when you mention it, I might've tried the keeping trick before...only this time it worked!