Saturday, August 02, 2014

Short skirt

I got a good talking to today. Was strolling into my work, when a woman (resident) approached me, saying in no uncertain terms that my dress was far too short. And those things women can wear in Sweden and other open countries, but it's not appropriate in Switzerland. Because of the Muslim men. Eh?

She continued to tell me that when she was in Sweden she was encouraged to take off all her clothes on the beach, "feel free, nobody here has a problem with it", and she was appalled. "So I know everything about Sweden and the countries up north". I refrained from telling her that not all of the people are like that. Why rain on her parade?

And then I got a rant about Muslim men who apparently are attracted to short skirts (like other men aren't?), and that I needed to be careful, and how she didn't approve of the Burkhas and such.

So I tried with "but perhaps I can feel safe here in the old peoples home?". That joke fell flat to the ground. Sense of humour is definitely not her thing. But in the end I got her to agree that maybe somewhere in the middle would be good. And I reminded her that today is Street parade, which generated another rant about how young women nowadays walk around with belts doubling as skirts.

I happen to know this woman briefly from like a month ago, when she had just moved into the home. She was angry back then too, complaining about anything and everything, and since I knew that, I can kinda understand her. It cannot be funny to still be sorta clear in the head, physically seemingly healthy and be put in a place with other oldies, more dement and dilapidated than her.

So better she gets her anger out at me, than to the others living there. And I'm gonna charm her, putting a long skirt or pants on next time I work. If I can find something that still fits!

PS. I told my co-worker who is like 88 (and lives in the home but is still going strong) about the short-skirt-palaver, and she just laughed. "Oh that one, she's always complaining".

PPS. I have pants under the short skirt, that goes down a third of my thigh. And I have good-looking legs. Nothing inappropriate or indecent if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

Priceless :-)


Witchbitch said...

My legs you mean :) ?