Thursday, September 24, 2015

Downhill from here?

I cannot believe it! I am poorly again. It started yesterday evening with toothache. Not much mind you, but enough to be irritating. I went to sleep around midnight and woke up an hour later with severe pain. Between one and five in the morning I took four painkillers, which are supposed to be strong but helped nada. I didn't get any sleep last night, and was up at 5.30 am.

In the morning hours it got a bit better, and it was strange, 'cause I couldn't locate the pain. It was aching all over the right jaw, but not in particular in a tooth. So I waited to see if it got better. It did. At first. Then I had a pain attack like no other. Thought I was gonna faint. So at midday I went to see a dentist. I say a dentist, 'cause the old one sold the clinic to new owners, and it was a first encounter.

This guy, who btw wasn't very light on his hand, thought the pain was muscular. He checked the teeth and couldn't immediately find a cause. I was told to massage the area, and take the painkillers he gave me and come back on Monday for a check-up.

But I don't understand where it has come from. I have no stress, so no biting teeth in my sleep. I live a mucher healthier sporty life since about 1,5 years. Why do I get sick all the time?

This year it's been acute gastritis, that colonoscopy followed by a baboons ass and the operation and now this!

I can only see two positives in all of this. One, that I get to post all the bills to the insurance company in the same year, only paying the fixed amount once. And two, the cats are healthy.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better I couldn't sleep either and have been up since 1/4 to 5 feeling like something was punching and kicking me from the inside.....oh, wait, it was ;).

anyway, hope you feel better soon. Dentist doesn't sound very useful!


Witchbitch said...

To be perfectly honest I'll rather endure the toothache (or whatever it is) than what you are going through :).

Nope, that dentist guy didn't go to the top of my fav list.

And he didn't give me enough painkillers, good thing I still have some left from my previous incidents.