Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I saw a squirrel the other day in the forest. One of these cute as a button little brown ones with a fluffy tail, not those big grey ugly ones in Hyde Park. When I was telling a friend later on he remarked that squirrels have become more scarce, and why is that.

Yeah, why is that? I have seen very few squirrels in the last years. One or two outside my flat, but I have a feeling there were many, many more when I was young. Are squirrels becoming extinct?


Anonymous said...

yep, red squirrels are on the IUCN red list of threatened species because in many locations they are vulnerable or in decline (even though still relatively common overall). And those pesky grey squirrels can take a lot of the blame.


Witchbitch said...

Oh, that's too bad. They are so so cute! Maybe that should be my next project...a squirrel farm!