Tuesday, October 20, 2015

New flatmate

As of today I have a new flatmate, so spent the whole day cleaning and preparing. NOT! No, of course I had done that earlier, so everything was in pristine order when he arrived.

And I don't have a feeling he'll be a bother. He's studying and working and will be busy and away a lot.

And no, he doesn't have a problem with me blogging about it. I asked.

Since he arrived a few days earlier than expected I hadn't prepared any food, but we agreed to have a meal together on Friday. I asked if there is something he doesn't eat, and yes there is. Lemongrass and ginger. Haha. Those are ingredients I almost never cook with anyway, so this'll be fine. Lemongrass anyway, what is that? Some Asian stuff?


Anonymous said...

wow, I tune out for a few weeks and all kinds of things happen! hope the flat mate works out well.

you're missing out with the Lemongrass by the way, its fantastic stuff!


Witchbitch said...

Really? Guess I have to google how to prepare it.