Friday, October 02, 2015

The postwoman never rings

Talking about profession, I am about to change mine. But don't get too excited. We're talking about a couple of hours a week.

I am to become a postwoman! Quite a long time ago a friend knew I was thinking of getting a parttime easy job, and sent me a link to a company that delivers addressed mail. I would never consider just commercial stuff, where you deliver something that is not wanted, but this appealed to me. However, at the time they didn't have anything for me, so I gave up the thought, until I got called today.

So I will get catalogues and mail delivered to my address. I will then sort it, and deliver it in my 'hood. This is supposed to take 2.5 hours, which is what I get paid pittance for. However, I am pretty certain it will take quite a bit longer, especially in the beginning before I know the route. Also, I'll be doing it by foot and I know that some of the addresses are already 20 min's walk away.

Nevertheless, I look fw to it. It'll give me a chance to exercise and at the same time earn cig money :).


Anonymous said...

ah, I thought that was exactly what it was - commercial stuff.

I am sure it will take longer at the beginning too. but 1 hour for sorting and 1.5 hours for delivery, sounds possible? You can't count the 15 mins there and back, no one gets paid for their travel time to work.

Witchbitch said...

I agree to not get paid for travel time to and from, if you get paid a normal salary, but hey, to do it for minimum wage? And I'm not sure about delivery in one go. Let's say the catalogues and stuff weigh 80 kg's. Can I drag that in a trolley up and down stairs, through the streets until I get to the starting point? To be cont'd.