Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Good news. I can have my boat back on Friday! And since the weather is getting much better, I perhaps even will be able to go for a little cruise over the weekend. Can't wait!


John said...

Congratulations on the boat! It's about time! I wish you some beautiful weather and a nice relaxing ride around the lake. Bring one of your good bottles and have a blast! Wish I could be there!

J in NJ, USA

Witchbitch said...

Thank you! Might even introduce M to the joys of the lake ;)

Anonymous said...

... i tell you, you will receive a complete new boat, you want recognize it anymore. they have painted it completly new ... and i could choose the colour - pink the right one for a real fag-hag ...

Anonymous said...

... and the meat (mussels) scraped off your shell is still stinking down in the forest i was told today. just hope it will stay there ...

Witchbitch said...

Oh dear, will I have my boat back in pink! Kinda cool coming to think of it :)