Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Which animal?

M came home this evening to tell me about his day. Apparently his company is awaiting a whole bunch of new employees, and HR has put together a welcome pack including a questionnaire. One of the questions were "if you were an animal, which one would it be?".

The staff got to share this delightful questionnaire and M's answer was "a turtle".

????????????? was my response.

Apparently these are the reasons: 1. because they get old. 2. because they don't have a stressful life and 3. they have a protected body where you cannot see the wrinkles.

HAHAHA! I would just love to have your comments (and your animal) on this one!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to be a cat. Lay around all day, go out for hunt at night. have flexible ankles, so always lay comfortable. Get to be patted or fed if I feel like it. Nobody's offended, if I don't feel like it. Even be admired for my independance. What could you ask more for? I'd even have nine lives :-)

country girl

Anonymous said...

Using the word "apparently" many times in your daly blog, which appears to have escaped your notice, as a turtle you could live more than 500 years (God bless your Longlife!), here are a few synonyms of your beloved word:
seemingly, ostensibly, on the face of it 2. obviously, evidently, manifestly, patently, plainly, plain..
Fee-soy the cat

Witchbitch said...

Apparently two cats :)