Tuesday, August 07, 2007

As is

Why is it that nothing can be like it's always been? I know, we live in a world of change and I should know it better than most people having done the change for the past 15 years. But seriously. Sometimes I think change is just for the sake of it. Mostly small things. Like when Lancome decided to stop making the mascara I'd used for like 20 years. Product development they call it. I call it insanity. There was I, a realiable customer, buying always the same thing. A safe bet. And now I have to experiment with new ones, trying to find the ultimate one. Haven't succeeded yet. Like today, not only have the changed the colour of the sign of "reserved table" in my usual place, but they have also changed the ladies sign on the toilet door. You know, when you always have change around you, it would be nice to have the feeling of "some things never change". Guess that ain't happening...


Anonymous said...

'as is'
given that when I was there there was no sign on the ladies toilet door, probably about time they changed it

Witchbitch said...

But I know where the ladies room is :)...

Anonymous said...

'as is'
true, and you probably are about the only lady to use it, at least I ain't never seen no ladies in that place

Witchbitch said...

HAHAHA! Bad girls have more fun, didn't you know?