Monday, August 06, 2007


Clearly I have none. So after a day on the lake, I was starving. And here I'm not gonna mention the homemade pizza that the ex promised to bring, and didn't, so I won't. Anyway, passed by my place, and had dinner. They have a really nice "fitness-teller" which supposedly is healthy. A piece of meat with various kinds of vegetables. Very nice. So had that, and a chat with some friends. Then the plan was to go home. Half-way to the bus I got an sms. "I'm at the tapas place, wanna join?". Sometimes I think I'm too easy. I just turned, and did. Joined, that is. Three hours later... And tomorrow at 9 am I'm gonna be in the office of ze Swiss authorities asking them nicely to give me an extension of my residence permit. I will seriously try not to breath alcohol on them :)...


John said...

I had that fitness-teller with you once. Remember? It was good..not too heavy. Felt good about eating healthy too...but then later that night... is very low in carbohydrates anyway!

Witchbitch said...

Practically like water...

Anonymous said...


Wodga...and you don't get a boozy breath from Wodga. So next time you have an early appointment drink Wodga the night before (hahaha)

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Assume you mean vodka. Yes, that'll probably be in another 5 years when I have to apply again...didn't go so well.