Saturday, March 22, 2008


I am so not interested in buying bio-food, since I'm under the impression that it is overpriced and no guarantee for environmentally friendly growing/upbringing. Mind you, when I left for holiday I also left some iceberg-salad in the fridge, knowing that the ex would look after my flat and he always checks out my fridge first thing he does. It cannot be that he thinks I eat badly (hello, just look at me!), but he takes a keen interest in food. Anyway. When I got back 8 days later it was still in the fridge, looking just as crisp as it did when I left it there. All in all, it ended up being about 2 weeks, and it was still fresh. That cannot be healthy! Didn't stop me from eating it though...


Anonymous said...

there is certainly something disturbing about iceberg lettuce, it just never seems to go bad. it hardly seems worth eating most of the tiem too since its kinda flavourless, like crunchy water, but good for burgers or tacos. Mmm, tacos

Witchbitch said...

I like it too, that's the problem. What on earth do they put on it to stay good so long?