Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Shower in chicken fat

Have a wee problem with the drainage in my shower. When I flush something down in the kitchen (sink, washing machine or dishwasher) the water pops up in the shower. Last night I flushed some chicken fat down there, and guess what? This morning the floor of the shower was filled with orange, oily stuff. Yikes! But I showered anyway, and I must say my feet felt smooth having been covered in the orange fat! And coming home this evening, I discovered that the water doesn't go down at all anymore. It has come to a complete stop. And Putz-peter doesn't come until Saturday. It's a good thing I have a bath tub. And a bad thing that my personal plumber has gone on strike!


Anonymous said...

EWWWWW! and you're willing to put up with this until Saturday? go get some drain cleaner girl!

Witchbitch said...

Drain cleaner is poison, and not environmentally friendly. Am I right or am I right?

Anonymous said...

yes that is very true, there are supposedly some 'natural' ones but the picture looks like you have a bigger problem than that, ick.