Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My German

...is equally crap as the weather. I keep on hearing that my German is fine, and I don't believe any one of them. I am certain they just say that to be nice to me. Because I know it isn't. I have trouble with the friggin verbs, the grammatics, yeah the language as a whole to be honest. One thing that bugs me most is phone calls. There is an extended goodbye ritual in German. And I usually end up just hanging up. There is Auf Wiederhören, Auf Wiedersehen (who cares if we gonna see other or just talk?), ciao (which apparently is informal in German, but being an Italian word I'm not sure), bis bald (until soon), Sie hören van uns (you will hear from us...always being this friggin formal), ich habe mir (mich?) gefreut (I took great pleasure...in speaking to you I guess). It makes me squirm all these goodbye phrases. I just wanna slam the phone down and be done with it. And not knowing whether I'm insulting people by being informal, or if I by chance happen to use the right words makes me not wanting to speak German at all!


Anonymous said...

'my German'
I'm sure your German really is fine, from what I remember you're pretty good at languages, but I know what you mean about it all just being so difficult you gotta wonder why you bother and all that formal and informal stuff, ugh!

Witchbitch said...

I'm pretty fluent in my mother tongue!

Anonymous said...

'my German'
which is more than I can say for a lot of Australians so you're ahead of the game.
I successfully wrote a grammatical error free email in German today. so I'm feeling proud, nevermind that it was only 2 lines, and only error free according to a Swiss - so who really knows.

Witchbitch said...

Just got a video clip on how Australians speak French, unfortunately Blogger refuses to post it. Will try later.