Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Well not quite, but the story of Rigoletto I have to find out before going to Verona (yes, we got tickets!). It goes:
Somebody said that Shakespeare had already written all the stories there are to write. All others are just followers on the same themes. That might be true.
Nevertheless, I shall enjoy the opera. And reading the story beforehand is a good idea, my Italian is a bit rusty actually. And Verona is not la Scala, where they after the renovation have displays in front of every seat, so that you can follow the story both in Italian and English. Mind you, the tickets to Verona are a hell of a lot cheaper...
Automatic updates
Oh I don't know about this new computer thingie. I opted to get informed about upgrades of this and that. What I didn't opt for was when I press "postpone" the friggin thing postponed only 10 min (instead of 5) and shut the damn pc off in the middle of Dr House. No manners whatsoever.
Then after rebooting it refused to connect to internet. What kind of upgrades were those? Indeed a good thing I can go back to my old and reliable pc...
High blood pressure
I escaped going to the doctor for the leg trouble, but I was advised by the blood donor place that I should go and check my blood pressure at the doctors, since it's always quite high.
After todays drama I think she may have had a point.
An acquaintance of mine started to feel bad, pressure over his heart, sweating profusely (mind you, we were all sweating like pigs since it's 30° and very humid) and feeling bad in general. After being checked by paramedics it was decided to take him to hospital. I went with him (my first time in an ambulance!), so today I can honestly say that I had my fill of men in uniform. Nothing bad that doesn't bring any good etc.
I left him at the emergency ward where they took an EKG and lots of scary tests to be monitored for at least 6 hours. The blood pressure and pulse went down from 188/98 resp 99.
I hope he'll be fine. And maybe next week I'll go and see the doctor...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Spiders and bats
While waiting for the bus some woman told me about the spiders she'd seen at that particular bus stop a year ago. She must lead a thrilling life. She then proceeded to inform me that bats were common around there too. Gee, that is certainly information I could've lived without. Took a pic, does it look threatening to you?
Router or roooter
Sometimes I don't know which way to turn. The Brits complain when I use American expressions, and vice versa. This time I was explaining the router problem to a Brit, and was told that it wasn't a router, it was a 'rooter'. A router in British English is apparently something that saws through things. A tool of some kind.
I'm going to pay as much attention to this important lesson as I do to well I don't know, maybe somebody who tells me the importance of having a Porsche vs a Maserati. They're both cars, right?
But the guy I was having the discussion with had a cool t-shirt. Think it says Oxbow. Whatever that means...
Through the Alpes
So got my ticket and everything set for Friday. Only I am really disappointed that the Cisalpino train has no restaurant wagon. It was great when they still had, sitting next to the window, nibbling on an excellent cheese plate and drinking not so excellent wine but still, and see the Alpes flow past.
Ah well, guess I have to pack my own food and drink now. On the positive side that'll be way cheaper (the prices they charge on the train! You would think you ordered a Brunello di Montalcino and some very very rare cheese from an almost extinct race of sheep or similar!).
Can't wait!
Monday, July 28, 2008
250 bucks
When computer man was asking me to provide the Swisscom details about the modem, I had to really think and then dig in to piles of all-sorts-of-things. Very dusty in there I tell you. Shall have a serious talk with Putz-Peter next time.
But the good thing is I finally found the voucher worth 250 CHF for the Zürich opera I received as a birthday gift almost 4 years ago. I knew I still had it, but couldn't figure out where it went. It was issued 2004 and is valid 5 years. Excellent.
So a worthwhile evening. A half-programmed new computer AND 250 bucks. Not bad for a Monday.
Wanted: A Honda man
As mentioned before I have to go and do the compulsory 3-year-check of my boat in August. Which I've managed to ignore quite successfully until now. But when computer man was fiddling about with my pink Dell I thought I'd give it a go. Especially since he doesn't speak German, and I'm not fond of publicly displaying my inability. Any inability actually, except for maybe my "technical skills".
Anyway. Called the company who did the renovation of the boat last year. They asked which engine I have (at which time I said "don't you have it, you renovated it last year?"). Why am I supposed to know this? Well, it turned out it was stated on the boat-license. Ok, Honda it is. Honda BABE to be exact. Which is quite intriguing. For an engine.
Turns out this company doesn't do Honda's. So he recommended a "one-man-company", which I'm sure is his cousin or something. Never mind. He didn't answer today, so will try tomorrow. I just hope he can come to Zürich, because I cannot see how I would transport the boat just to have the "Honda" checked.
Computers are like men
At first sight so easy to handle, and the more you get into them the more difficult they get. Hang on, that only applies for computers. Men I think are the other way around. Never mind. That's for discussion another time.
So got a computer wizard over this evening to sort out the uncooperative router. Turned out I'm not so stupid after all. The modem I have (only 3 years old for chrissakes, shouldn't it still work?) is not compatible to the router. What a surprise.
He managed to get me online though through the cable, and installed the security thingie, the Microsoft package (did you know that the home/student-pack doesn't look anything like the standard package? Different toolbar and everything. Nobody told me this!). And more importantly, the online messenger tool plus the player to the website where I can watch Dr House for free. Excellent!
However, I'm still blogging from my old computer. It'll take some time to get used to new features and navigation tools. Yeah, yeah, old dogs and all that, but I tell you what. My old mouse feels just like that after trying out the new one. So I'll get used to it. Eventually...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wireless router
I am a simple person. I would've thought that a wireless router would include NO wire. How stupid was that?
Here was I instructed to plug first a thingie in, connect it to the computer, then to plug my cable for the internet in into a plug called WAN (with microscopic letters). Yes I know it means Wide Area Network, but I don't know what it means. Really. They should know this, so that there could be an instruction. There are friggin instructions for everything else (none of them make any sense though), like "please only deposit in allowed areas" for batteries and stuff.
So got as far as setting the computer up with name, time et cetera but got into a loop with the installation of the router. Also, it said on the router in big letters on a sticker" STOP, INSERT CD FIRST". It took me ages to understand that the router itself had no place for a cd, but that I was to stick it into the computer. Now I cannot get it out. Seems to be no button to extract the cd.
Frankly, I cannot be arsed to spend more time on it. These things should just WORK!!!! Immediately. If not sooner.
Rest and relaxation
Wasn't Sundays to be all about rest and relaxation? My ass. I just spent 2 hours going through all the new flat papers, sorting them in folders, signing and summarizing in email to the architect. I had no idea it was gonna be so much work. Despite that, all I seem to do is pay.
Then I spent another half hour unpacking all the Dell stuff. I cannot believe how much it all is. No less than 7 cd's, around 10 manuals of various kinds and strange devices. Didn't they understand that I'm a user, not a techie. If only they would've offered a little man coming to install it all, I would've bought it. Can't decide whether to give it a go myself, or wait for somebody to come along and help.
Was out today and had so many ideas what to blog about. And guess what? They kinda disappeared. All by themselves. The one I remember is meeting this couple who had been on vacation in Mallorca. Every year for 20 years. How boring does that sound? Before I moved to the best city in the world, I used to travel too. But never to the same place.
Short attention span. That's me people. I want new things, new people, new situations, new everything. Like a new flat.
I'm big on commitment. For an evening :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Children annoy me
I have to admit (although this shouldn't come as news for those of you who know me) that children annoy me. Unborn or born. Like yesterday when I was on the tram and a family consisting of man, woman, huge stroller and a dog half the size of me (what a friggin cliche btw. I just wish they have had a car too!) came on, forced me to sit in my seat with my bag firmly on my lap instead of the floor, blocking my way out.
Finally off after trying not to step on the dog I was waiting for the bus, seeing this heavily pregnant woman. Why is it that pregnant women have to wear a tight top, so that you can see absolutely everything that goes on with her body including a disgusting protruding belly-button? I realize that a body changes during pregnancy, but must I share it? Cover yourselves, pregnant women! If there was a parade for a child-free world, I'll be marching first!
Mind you, I'm pretty fond of CG who's if not my child, behaving like one :)
Education and pleasure
In my continuous strive to become as good a faghag as I can be, I have now purchased Brokeback mountain. For my own pleasure I also bought Oceans 13 (Brad Pitt and George Clooney, need I say more?).
A leisurely afternoon with good food, the movies and some chocolaty dessert is the plan. Carefully ignoring the mounting pile of new flat papers I'm supposed to go through, sign and then no doubt being required to pay an ginourmous amount of money. There is always tomorrow...
Friday, July 25, 2008
CG is a tad weird at times. Yesterday he told me that he had been dreaming about my new pc, that it had a blog-button (why haven't anybody thought of this? Excellent idea!) and a foldable keyboard. How weird is that on a scale?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Welsh are invading
I know no less than 5 Welsh people. This is interesting considering I thought there were only like 300 of them in total. 3 of them are here in Switzerland, 1 is my personal deliverer of Gavin&Stacey (UK) and 1 (Sweden) I know from long before.
It's funny that, that when you come across something or somebody in this case, there seems to be a lot of it or them.
My experience of the Welsh is that they are very easy-going, clever, not formal at all, enjoys a good laugh and more importantly a good pub-crawl. Social skills and brains are a deadly combination! Mind you, I wouldn't want to live there. Just look at the strange names (how the hell does one pronounce "Cwm" or "Llanrhystud"?). Not to talk about the language, which looks worse than Swiss German!
Dell sucks again
In line with my expectation of course Dell did a no-show. So it's therefore proven that miracles do not happen. Instead according to their tracking website it is now to be delivered tomorrow. Not that they cared to send an email.
But it's great to stay home a whole day (ok not I, but somebody else in my household) and just wait. I wonder if Dell will contribute to missed income? Oh no, I forgot, the "else" doesn't have one :).
I bet this story is to be continued...and even if they deliver tomorrow I will with 100% certainty have installations trouble.
Note to self: must invite a computer wizard for dinner...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Do miracles happen?
Got a new email from Dell, this time in French and German. Why one can only guess, but the delivery date has now miraculously changed to tomorrow.
Very specifically tomorrow, but less so on time. "Heure de livraison : entre 9h00 et 18h00", which I interprete to be between 9 in the morning and 18 in the evening. Do they really expect people to stay home a whole day waiting for them?
Well, I guess unless one of us is home at the particular time they choose to show up, I will have to go to the post office to pick it up. How difficult can it be to plan a delivery route? Ever heard of logistics?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Neko type
Apple (you know the competitor to real computers?) has a game called neko type. I am a champion, just to annoy CG. But really, I mastered the easy, medium and hard levels without no problems whatsoever.
That's what you get when you're so old that you actually took a typing class back in the 80's. Little did we know back then how handy it would come in...
Americans in town
Had a nice walk around the city today with some Americans in town. Just lazy wandering around, having a Starbucks coffe (can you believe that the guy had NEVER been in a Starbucks before? Being an American and all...) and then late lunch/early dinner at a greasy burger/fries/ribs type-of-place. Excellent.
We ended up having a glass of wine at my place, which they seemed to enjoy...
I refuse
Several times in the last few days I've been told I'm old. When telling my aunt I have leg pain she said immediately "sciatica", the putzman said "arthritis" and the worst thing was when the "fire-man" asked if CG was my son.
Fuck him. But I can see why. CG brought the coffee cups to the kitchen (although we were customers and didn't have to) and I remarked that he was well trained. He (CG i.e.) also wore torn jeans, sandals and an un-ironed t-shirt and had that "I'm-lost-without-instructions-look". Perhaps I should be proud? Mind you, the "fire-man" doesn't know CG and his habits...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Hit parade
I may have impeccable taste when it comes to interior design, but some people might not agree that my taste in music is the same.
Today in MediaMarkt I went wild and bought "Hit parade", a 4-cd box with hits from 1968-2007. Oh joy.
I'm a barbie girl
And of course I will have an open fireplace in my new flat. Chose a type today called 'Venus'. How very fitting. The actual fireplace will be built in surrounded by black granite, just as on the floor. How cool is that?
Also, note that you can see the fire from several angles and that the glass cover can be pulled up in order to enjoy a real fire.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Who needs enemies?
Phoned a friend because I wanted to feel cuddled. Told him "please feel sorry for me". Guess what he said? "Yes, I feel sorry for me". So much for friends...
Surprisingly enough this is not a known expression to non-English people. Well it means Tender Loving Care. Which is exactly what I need right now...
Like a friend said yesterday "I feel poorly". Mind you, he was hungover like an abuser on Antabus. I wonder what is worse? He was sober today, and I'm still in pain...
PS. Reminds me of Winston Churchill, who said in chambers when a woman remarked that he was drunk, "and you ma'm are ugly. But tomorrow I'll be sober..."
Birdie nam-nam
Not only am I in a constant war with pigeons on the boat, now I'm having flying visitors in my living room at home. I am sure it has nothing to do with CG falling asleep on the sofa, all the while the balcony doors remain wide open at night...
Shoot'm and eat'm is my motto!
One reason for not blogging much is that since three days I have leg pain. I have no idea why, since I didn't experience any trauma, definitely didn't do any sports but most definitely have pain. So bad without pain killers that I limp (feel free to feel very very sorry for me. I do).
When wikipediaing it I came closest to sciatica, which I never heard about before. But trust me to get "funny" illnesses.
One time I had pityriasis rosea. The symtoms consisted of a rash on the torso, which itched a bit. When consulting a doctor she said "well, there is no cure (at which point i nearly fainted!) but it will pass in 6 weeks and there will be no lasting impact (pheww, I tell you)". One strange disease.
This however I feel is different. If no better on Monday I will have to see the doctor. Not my favourite person.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sorry that I ignored the blog for a few days. Just is a lot on right now, and I am really very tired. It is birthday parties, outings, a boat ride this evening and in general a hectic social life.
What can I say? It's summer...but hopefully I'll be back in full force tomorrow.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Party Swiss style
As much as I love this country, I will never truly be a part of it. For good and bad I guess. I wasn't born here, and I will never speak the language (whatever that is?!?). This evening I was at a party of a good friendgirl. It was all nice and a good mix of people who had never met before. Only, I felt a bit like a freak. The one outside all the (Swiss-German) conversations, the one that everybody wants to talk to once they get a bit drunk, the one that everybody remembers because of my name, my "foreignty".
And I know, it's my fault for not speaking the language fluently, my fault for not fitting totally in. But guess what? I hope I bring a certain something that ze Swiss will eventually appreciate. And since I seem to be accepted I think that one day we will least halfway :)
Answer to Dell
Well, dear Michael, I don't have the understanding you thank me for, since I don't understand why it would take 7 weeks to deliver what is your core business, namely the pc I ordered. Therefore I think it's right that you would at least offer me a discount or any kind of benefit. Had I known that you would delay the order twice I would have gone to another supplier. Thank you in advance for being customer-caring. Best regards, Annika
PS. To be continued I'm sure...
This is my new floor. The black and shiny one is for the hallway, the living room, the library (! I just love it saying that but it's true, it says so on the plan) and the grey one is for the balcony. It's not possible to the have the shiny one on the balcony since people could slip should it become wet. I was very close to say I don't care because I really don't but then I thought, what if I would slip? So compromize is the name of the game here. Same stone (granite), just different versions of it. Cool, ain't it?
Dell sucks even more
"Dear Ms ..,
thank You for Your E-mail. I am sorry but Dell does not offer any discounts but those mentioned on our website. Thank You for Your understanding. With kind regards Michal SaradinDell Kundendienst"
Interesting that a big corporation like Dell does not employ people who knows when to use capital letters vs not. And what about this "Thank You for Your understanding." I don't understand that a big company takes 7 weeks!! to deliver what is their core business, namely a pc.
PS. I did send an email to Michael Dell at the email stated previously but got it back from postmaster. Don't you find that the tiniest bit interesting that a man who sells computers and made a big business out of it doesn't accept emails...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Dell sucks
I ordered a new computer in June. Twice have I now gotten a "revised delivery date". How is it friggin possible that it could take more than 1,5 months to deliver a pc?
Mind you, I did order a pink one. Could it be so simple that Dell (I'm sure one of these companies who says they promote women, yet have only white American men in the 50's on the board?) did not anticipate that half the population is women. Therefore ordering a pink pc shouldn't come as a surprise.
Think they will give me a discount? HAHAHA. Of course they sent a computer-generated email that cannot receive answers. One wonders why. Suppose I could try
PS. Said and done:
"Dear Supplier (they called me Customer and not by my name),
Being a good and decent supplier (my current Dell is going on its 5th year now!) I know I can count on you to give me a discount. Thank you very much in advance. Best regards,"
Passed by my new place to live quickly by car today. A large wall has magically appeared, so there seems to be progress. Vg.
Pics later when I can be arsed to walk up there.
The reason I'm renting out my guest room is of course that my new flat is costing me molto. Mind you, it is because I think nothing is the best for me, and consequently choose the most expensive alternatives.
But this morning I was thinking whether I could rent it out again. Turns out CG is very fond of my sofa, and falls asleep on it all the time. Perhaps I could have him stay there, and get some more $ (or rather CHF) for my guest room? Would that be terribly greedy?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Things that are difficult to say when drunk
1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Proliferation
4. Cinnamon
1. Specificity
2. Anti-constitutionalistically
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Transubstantiate
1. No thanks, I'm married.
2. Nope, no more booze for me!
3. Sorry, but you're not really my type.
4. Doner Kebab? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn't! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I'm not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination I'd hate to look like a fool!
9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this car park or on the side of the road.
10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
My love of books
For those of you who know me you know I love to read. Books are my thing. As much as I hate shopping for clothes I love book-shops. I can browse forever, just walk around looking at books gives me a fuzzy feeling. Pick up a book, read a little, thinking no, moving on, reading a bit of another one, thinking yes I'm gonna buy. I can easily shop 20 books in one go.
Might have to do with my childhood, where my family was the biggest customer of the local library.
And I can re-read books, just because they give me a good feeling. Just like a good movie, I can watch it many times. Can you?
The Gaza strip Zürich-style
I'm starting to feel like the Palestinians and the Israelis or whoever it is fighting over that piece of Gaza strip. The friggin pigeons have not understood that MY boat is MY property.
I just don't know how they do it. This time they had gotten in the front (where the heck do they crawl in?) and in the actual boat. The only possibility I could see was through the little openings that allows wind to flow through. I have now plugged those too.
Once again I have cleaned bird-shit out, mind you, not that much this time but still. However, I am not giving up. That boat is the love of my life, and I shall win this war!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
I'm definitely not a Langstrasse-fan, and less so after tonights experience. Overflowing trash-bins, cars allowed to drive through the party-zone resulting in traffic not flowing at all, not enough uniformed policemen (well, there can never be enough really :), not even organized chaos. Just people pushing everybody else, no friendly atmosphere.
I again have to say...Langstrasse is a shit-area. I am happy I don't live in that neighbourhood.
Caliente my ass
Went into town tonight and ran into a guy I met several years ago. He looked good. Spent a couple of hours catching up. Funny that, he's got a body to kill for but there is absolutely no spark. Too bad. Nice to see him though.
Anyway, we decided to give the Caliente party a shot together. Only when going there the friggin bus didn't show up. So much for ze Swiss being on time. Told ya before. Not true. So had to walk all the way to Helvetiaplatz.
Was having several sms-conversations with acquaintances who said "Come join! We're here". And even when I advised we'd be late, it was the same message. Well, when we finally got there they were gone. And all the while trying to phone and find them I lost my guy. So much for a nice evening out.
To top it all off the friggin bus which finally arrived (the other way) was packed! I felt like a sweaty herring stucked together with too many others. I've had better nights out!
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Freudian slip
I just couldn't resist buying these strings in pretty colours. I know, I'm not 20 anymore but if I want to I can feel like it once in a while, can't I?
Bought another 2-pack of normal white underwear too, and only discovered when coming home that those were strings also. They were not meant to be, but you know when you look for the right size and the shop doesn't have everything in order, it's so easy to pick the wrong one.
Or did I unconsciously want them too?
Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Ain't funny
A sense of humour and Germans is a tricky combination. Some people would refer to it as an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. I try to teach CG that if I'm not laughing it's not funny. Think it slowly is trickling through.
Was asking him today why he had placed a jar and a lid with an insect on it on the kitchen counter. This is indeed weird I thought. Why would there be an insect on a jar lid? Well, turned out to be a bee indicating honey. Hmmm.
CG's idea was something about having a headline with me forcing CG to eat insect soup. Funny? I don't think so. But I guess all ze Germans reading this are gonna laugh now :)
I have a friend who appears to be superwoman. Not only does she speak around 5 languages fluently, she has a certificate to fly small aeroplanes, she's an officer in the army and to top it all off the fucker can sing. Good thing she left early when we had the karaoke evening! No fun to have somebody who actually can sing when we the others just think we can. At least at the time.
But seriously the only thing I'm green with jealousy about is that she gets to spend all of July bossing over 60 guys in uniform (pun intended!). Ok well, maybe a little jealous of the language skills but nowhere near the uniforms...
If she wasn't so nice I would strike her off my friends list!
Different views
Coming home this evening there was this sound outside the window, like a drilling loud irritating kinda sound. I interpreted this correctly to be the neighbour doing some garden work, whereas CG immediately thought it was a neighbour with a power-vibrator.
How different we are!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Unexpected twist
A friend of mine was trying to park in Langstrasse, and happened to hit a BMW. This resulted in scratches on two parts of the other car, and some minor damage to her own vehicle.
Honest as she is she first waited for the other driver to arrive, then called the police to report that she had damaged a car and didn't know who to contact. Police arrived at the scene, and through their system had found out who the owner of the other car was. Turned out he was the owner of a bar next-door, so they went and got him.
The unexpected twist was that when he arrived at the scene, he claimed that the damage to his own car was done three weeks ago! Despite the fact that my friend knew that she had hit the car, and had damage to match on her own. He was almost angry that my friend had called the police. Fishy, huh?
Turned out that the number plate on his car didn't match the register, it was supposed to be a Toyota. Guess he has some explaining to do!
So if you plan to hit a car, do it in Langstrasse...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Who can tell?
CG and his healthy attitude
About once a week I discover fruit in my kitchen. This is CG's feeble attempt to live a healthy life. And that's about the extent of it.
Unless I eat the fruit, it'll be in the bin once it starts to smell. Last week it was apples which lasted a bit more than a week, this week it's bananas and they have already starting to blacken.
But who am I to give dietary advice? I'm sure if I did, somebody would bring up my love of Häagen-Dazs choc-chip...
Kill the animals
I will never be a vegetarian, and I will never be against medical trials on animals. I am obviously against deliberate infliction of pain, but I think that sometimes the end justifies the means.
Thought about this today when I was getting my shoes from the shoemaker, because they are leather shoes. It's funny with vegetarians who are just that because they want to "save the animals". At the same time many of them have leather bags and shoes and all sorts of animal-related paraphernalia. It's another thing with those who are vegetarians just because they like the rabbit food. They are not many though in my experience.
It was funny yesterday when I went to have the shoes mended. One heel had already after 2 months been a bit too much worn down. The shoemaker looked at me accusingly (like it was my fault!) and turned the shoes around, then 'hmmmm'd' a lot, before turning them again, shooting me another look. I just wanted to say 'hey! I keep you lot in business!' But of course I didn't.
And I must say he did a good job. Just wondering about the quality of shoes these days. I seem to be a regular customer mending the soles, the heels and whatsit. Think it's poor quality, and it doesn't seem to matter if I buy cheapo sandals for 20 francs or so called quality shoes for 200 which it was in this case. Was it indeed better before?
Boat responsibility
Every 3rd year the boat has to be inspected by the boat police. Unfortunately it is 3 years since I bought it, and then the previous owner was so kind as to come with me. This time I'm on my own. Scary business.
Actually what scares me most is the tying up the boat at the boat police station when going to register. I have no clue how to do those knots. I tie them like I tie my shoes. This is surely not a good sign for these boat inspectors. For anybody who wonders I have metal clips and metal rings at my anchor place. Very very convenient. No fussing about with ropes and knots.
So have now sent email to one of the boat people I know to ask if he can come with me. If not, I have a plan B. You need to know when to ask for help!
And of course ze Swiss will ask you to pay them for the service. 45 swissies. Last time we did the inspection it took them around 3 minutes! I just wish it'll be just as quick this time...
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