Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Kill the animals

I will never be a vegetarian, and I will never be against medical trials on animals. I am obviously against deliberate infliction of pain, but I think that sometimes the end justifies the means. Thought about this today when I was getting my shoes from the shoemaker, because they are leather shoes. It's funny with vegetarians who are just that because they want to "save the animals". At the same time many of them have leather bags and shoes and all sorts of animal-related paraphernalia. It's another thing with those who are vegetarians just because they like the rabbit food. They are not many though in my experience. It was funny yesterday when I went to have the shoes mended. One heel had already after 2 months been a bit too much worn down. The shoemaker looked at me accusingly (like it was my fault!) and turned the shoes around, then 'hmmmm'd' a lot, before turning them again, shooting me another look. I just wanted to say 'hey! I keep you lot in business!' But of course I didn't. And I must say he did a good job. Just wondering about the quality of shoes these days. I seem to be a regular customer mending the soles, the heels and whatsit. Think it's poor quality, and it doesn't seem to matter if I buy cheapo sandals for 20 francs or so called quality shoes for 200 which it was in this case. Was it indeed better before?

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