Saturday, August 22, 2009


Friend of mine was complaining that I moderate the comments. And I don't really do, I just have to choose to either publish or reject. This is to prevent spam coming through. And then I thought about not having had spam in a very long time, so perhaps I'd open up for free comments. Until this evening when I got this. "女性会員様増加につき、当サイトの出張ホストが不足中です。女性の自宅やホテルに出向き、欲望を満たすお手... 女性会員様増加につき、当サイトの出張ホストが不足中です。女性の自宅やホテルに出向き、欲望を満たすお手伝いをしてくれる男性アルバイトをただいま募集していますので、興味のある方はTOPページから無料登録をお願いいたします" Not sure this is spam though, since I cannot even work out which language it is...Chinese?

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