Sunday, August 23, 2009


When I was working in Norway I was insured by a company called Storebrand. Once a year they send me a statement, informing me about the tiny amount of money I can expect when I retire. Today I sent them an email saying that I will move and my new address. This was the response: "Takk for din henvendelse. Vi beklager at vi for tiden har lang svartid på din e-posthenvendelse. Svartiden skyldes svært mange henvendelser i forbindelse med kontoføringen for 2008. Vi vil besvare din e-post så snart som mulig, men ber samtidig om forståelse for at det kan ta noen dager. Haster det er du velkommen til å ta kontakt med oss på 08880. Noe ventetid må påregnes. Med vennlig hilsen Storebrand" This means that they still haven't dealt with the emails from 2008 and I can expect some time before I get an answer. It is 23rd of August 2009, and they are still busy with stuff from 2008. Yeah, the Norwegians don't rush things...

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