Saturday, March 06, 2010


Then I went out. As you do. And got acquainted with a person who had a shocking lack of hair. I mean really, why would you keep a string of hair as a ponytail when you don't even have enough to cover your head?
And why on earth would anybody invest in a pair of white lederhosen?
But gotta admit, it was fun. And it was Friday.


Anonymous said...

Hey!i get this ledederhosen for free,and i thin i have to go to cut my hair , its jut show!
Anika have a nice day and wee see us soon!

Anonymous said...

eek, long hair on men with all their hair is bad enough, but the lank pony tail and bald patch, ugh, such a bad look, makes me squirm just thinking about it

Witchbitch said...

He won't get close to my circle of friends, that's for sure!