Monday, March 01, 2010

Best before

Having a bit of pain in my arm lately, and all neighbours are rushing in to help so am now loaded with patches and creme that supposedly will help. Opened one of the packages with patches today and it looked a bit dodgy. Best before 04.2004. Hahahahaha!


Anonymous said...

hmm, so what are the 'patches' I wouldnt have thought something like that could go out of date?

Witchbitch said...

Like a bandage, and yes, medication have a best before-date.

Anonymous said...

I know mediacation has a best before date, but how can a bandage?

Witchbitch said...

The patch or bandage had painkilling substance in it. Possibly also to reduce swelling. So medication hidden in a bandage. Assume the bandage itself was still good.