Sunday, March 21, 2010

With a little help from my friends

After putting a request on the whiteboard in the entrance of the building, two of my lovely neighbours came to rescue, equipped with tool boxes.

So now I have my balcony table assembled (except for that I have to rip off that stupid blue plastic which turned out to be rather difficult), and four paintings up on the walls.


Anonymous said...

I was starting to wonder about your eyesight 'cos I thought you'd hung them all crooked - but then I realised it was just the photos taken crooked ;)

I thought the table looked funky with that blue pattern

Witchbitch said...

I was trying to find an angle where the flash wouldn't appear in the middle.

I might just decide to keep the blue since it's so darn difficult to take off!

Anonymous said...

Such neighbours ... my dream! I hope their women kept a jealous eye over the happening!


Witchbitch said...

Hey, I was just after the tools, not the men themselves!!