It struck me that having kids and being together with a man has a lot of similarities. Ok, so it didn't struck me as lightning but rather reminded me today.
I have a friend who occasionally calls me on Skype. Usually together with her two kids, and it always ends with a sort of disaster. One kid bits the other, or there is bloodshed, so she always hangs up abruptly, saying something like "gotta go". And then she's offline.
Same thing happened today with newly-in-love. She calls me. We have a long interesting conversation, and before we got to the end it was like "oh, lover boy is calling, gotta go". Ok. So there I'm sitting with the old fashioned receiver in my hand, thinking, what happened?
Men and kids, can't live with'm, can't shoot'm. Same shit, different age.
its hard to know what's worse, if they just hang up on you like that, or if they don't but then answer the other call too and leave you on the phone while they're talking to the other person.
Either way, you are demoted to plan B. No good.
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