Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Just an FYI why I don't blog every day. It's called pain. Some days like yesterday are awful. I don't really see a correlation between too much movement and the pain, but I guess that must be the reason. Off to the pharmacy now to get some more pills. Later.


Followinglight said...

You should use the other hand to lift the glass. There'd be a lot less movement. J

Witchbitch said...

Good point! Thinking about a straw...

Anonymous said...

oh dear, this isn't good. Seems to be going on for so long. Poor you. Wishing you some permanent pain relief!

Witchbitch said...

I know, and it doesn't help that friends who had tendon problems before tell me that it took them 8 months to a year to recover.

Seeing the doc in 2 weeks, thinking of asking him for some morphine.

Anonymous said...

2 weeks! that's ages away. good luck