Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Quality vs price

Sorry for not blogging that much, but on Sunday when I felt I owned the world I did a lot of physiotherapy and I have been paying for it since. The pain has been excruciating. I am now very very familiar with pain killers. Anyway, found a very expensive and exclusive creme that had been hiding in a cupboard for ages. Thought I'd treat myself (since I found it) and realized it's crap. First of all, the thingie on top that is supposed to splash out the creme doesn't work. Have to uncork it and smear the creme on my body. Second of all, it friggin stinks like a Spanish man going overboard with the perfume. Even though I'm sure this creme is expensive I much prefer the 2.95 francs Jovial. It isn't always expensive beats quality.


Anonymous said...

oh dear, good luck with the pain! doesnt sound good at all.

Witchbitch said...

Have learned to love Ibuprofen, 400mg times many.

Anonymous said...

I too love Ibuprofen, it shits all over paracetemol. But (and I'm sure they told you this already) make sure you eat something when you take it - otherwise it can very easily led to stomach ulcers etc

Witchbitch said...

Yup plus if you take a shot of Rakia at the same time it enhances the effect.