Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Pfister pfucks up bed

So after the disastrous installation when the engine was faulty, but then repaired, I woke up one night from a "boom". Turned out a steel thingie at the bottom of the bed, which was supposed to keep the mattress in place even though it moves when adjusted, fell to the floor. Scared both me and the cats!

Again I had to phone customer service, having them telling me that it wasn't supposed to be screwed on. Then why are there screw holes one might ask? Anyway, today a guy came around and agreed on the problem after seeing it himself. He moved the under-whatsit, the thing on where the mattress lays, up towards the head to generate more space by the feet, and so now it should work.

And guess what? The bill promptly arrived, without Pfister checking that the bed actually worked. Surprise! And then the invoice didn't have an amount on it. Several pages of unintelligible numbers (and I'm pretty good with finance stuff!). Had to send them a long email, explaining I didn't expect all these inconveniences when I decided not to go to Ikea (where I would've paid a third of the cost), and of course ask for a proper bill.

What I didn't write to them, but should've, is that a gift voucher of a thousand will make me forget the inconveniences. Least they can do!


Anonymous said...

why do I get the feeling this is going to be an ongoing saga, although I do hope not. Good luck.
If it makes you feel any better we have had a similar issue with our Ikea bed - making a big bang and bits falling off in the middle of the night (It is 5 years old, has been moved with un-assembly and re-assembly 3 times and was a helluva lot cheaper though).

Witchbitch said...

Dunno. Have a good feeling about it now, and have to admit the repair guys were really friendly and helpful. But who knows?