Monday, December 26, 2011

Stop curling!

OMG! You know, when I grew up kids had manners, in the sense that the parents were controlling them, and above all, not allowing them to do anything they wanted "because we love them". There were boundaries and do's and don't's.

I so wish it was the same today. Then I wouldn't have to put back the chairs in place, the blanket on the sofa and the cushions, the fresh oranges thrown on the floor and to nurture my poor ears, where there is still a screeching sound.

Curling parents. Don't like them, can't shoot'm.


Anonymous said...

huh, curling?? what does that mean?

I'm pretty intolerent of kids that don't behave well, and now this is a fear of mine, that I'll find out that actually you can't always control them despite your attempts at boundaries.

Witchbitch said...

Playing curling means you sweep the ice so that the thingie glides smoother towards the goal. Just like some parents do with their kids, smooth the way having them encounter no difficulties on their own.

Anonymous said...

ha! who would have imagined you'd be using 'sport' analogies. I was imagining it meant something like caving in - or curling into your kids whining