Monday, April 15, 2013

Money-grabbing church

So yes, yesterday I went to church. My very religious neighbour talked me into it. She has been onto me for the last half year "just come with us one time". And yes, in a weak, very weak, moment I promised. Promises are to keep.

After a measly five hours of sleep I went with them. It was hallelujah and jesus and god and worship and open your heart, and somebody who got cured from schizophrenia and I dunno what. And very loud music, for me who suffered from a slight hangover.

Then they welcomed 51 new members to the church (what? do people not have anything better to do than to go to church? surprising), and they signed like an affidavit, to state bla-bla-bla and I promise to contribute financially to the church. AHA! Now I get it. No wonder they are fishing for new converts.

When walking back with my neighbours we were coming across cyclists, and my friend didn't move to let them pass since it is forbidden to bike there. I told him to open his heart, haha I'm so funny. He responded "my heart is only open for pedestrians". So much for religion.

Nah, this thing is not for me. Never gotten any help from any sort of god, so I stick to my own beliefs and my friends. They will help me when things get tuff.


Anonymous said...

I thought you'd already been with them? eek, sounds awful and yet totally predictiable. I dont get how those 'churches' manage to convince so many suckers.

Witchbitch said...

Been to concerts before in church, not a sermon.

I don't understand it either.