Sunday, April 14, 2013

There is a cow in her bedroom

I love diversity. I love it when people like different things, and have other thoughts than mine. Mind you, it doesn't mean I won't question them, but I do enjoy when people have other opinions than I do.

Tonight I was shown around a house, and was told that "don't be scared when you see the cow in my bedroom". What? A cow in a bedroom? I was intrigued.

Turned out to be not a live one, but one built from left-over metal. All I could think about to say was "it looks interesting" and "it is unusual".
Which is true. It is both unusual and looks interesting. Enough said.


Anonymous said...

Its cool. not sure its quite bedroom furniture though ;)

Witchbitch said...

Nope, it goes into the garden in the summer. Room for plants in the back.