Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I did a selfie

I am not big on doing selfies, and for you oldies that means a pic you take of yourself. But today I had to. I have joined one of those dating-sites and they are sister-Ratched-like, rabidly taking 'agin' my previous attempts.

First I tried to load the fab pic I took of the silverback gorilla the other week at Zürich zoo, thinking I wanted to meet new friends with a sense of humor. That didn't go down well with the administrators of the site. Apparently there is actually a person approving photos, and I got rejected. Hmmm.

Then I tried to load a pic of me, looking fabulous on a beach, only my face couldn't be seen. That one wasn't approved of either. And ok, it did say on the site that uploading pics that were, well not exactly from this year, was frowned upon. Fair enough.

So today I had to do a selfie. And I'm thinking, is it worth it?

I really hate this, having to market myself. Don't people see how fabulous I am without me saying so?


John said...

They need to see you. Men are men. If they're not attracted to you physically..they're not going to bother. And this is true on BOTH sides of the fence (you know what I! )



Witchbitch said...

I kinda knew already that men are not using their brain for thinking :).

Anonymous said...

They can't see your fabulousness if you don't show them.
but would have been interesting to see what kind of guys the gorilla pic attracted.
Good luck!


Witchbitch said...

Exactly! I wanted that too.