Saturday, May 24, 2014

Anal issues

I know, I'm being a bit obsessed with this weight loss thingie for the moment, but bear with me, all of a sudden it's gonna change to something else.

However, one thing I didn't count on getting healthier was the shitting. I've more or less always had a stomach that worked, and that was releasing what it needed when I wanted. Now it doesn't.

And it rendered me a hemorrhoid. Painful! Like when you're shitting (or like the prude Swiss like to call it "Stuhlgang") it doesn't want to come out, and it always feels like there is something left. Plus it hurts and you have blood on the paper.

But I guess it's a relatively small problem, and I now have my cupboards stucked with prunes and figs. I'm feeling like a friggin vegetarian!


Anonymous said...

egad! I should have known not to read this when I saw the headline, WAAAAY too much information!

Witchbitch said...

Hehe, but you kept on reading.