Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fat knees

I've always said that sports gives you injuries, and as it turned out I was right. Again. My knee has started to hurt, and when I took a good look at it (I mean how often do you look at your knees more closely?) I realized I have fat knees. How weird is not that?

It's not swollen or anything, just gives me a bit of discomfort when using my stepper, but fat knees? Come on. This is just not on.

I'm 300 g away from my ideal weight, but now I have to reconsider. I mean, who wants to hang with somebody who has fat knees?


Anonymous said...

so if its 'fat' then it is swollen isn't it? both or just one?

yep. exercise is bad for you!


Witchbitch said...

Not swollen, both equally fat.

Anonymous said...

sorry, misunderstood, I thought you meant it was 'fat' because of the stepping and the pain.

well, if you had to look close to notice, I doubt anyone else will. I'm sure they'll be too busy noticing the fabulous new ideal weight you!

Witchbitch said...

Might have to wait for a while...I was UP 600 grams today compared to yesterday :(.