Monday, June 02, 2014

Hole in my head

The other day I got a phone call, one of these usual ones where they want to sell you something. But this was different, the woman was speaking my mother tongue, and in the end when she had talked a hole in my head, I finally agreed to meet with this "independent agency" to have a look at my health insurance. After all, hadn't done that in a while.

Today the guy came. He spent fifteen minutes telling me why my current insurance is bad, and fifteen minutes on why his proposal is much better. Independent my ass.

Ok, the price was slightly lower but he had not included something I find important, dental insurance and when a dug a little there would be this and that added to get to my current coverage.

Half an hour of my life that won't come back.


Anonymous said...

hmm, I've been wondering if dental insurance is worth it? I heard from people that its pretty expensive here, and so that it likely ends up costing you more than just paying when you go to the dentist?


Witchbitch said...

Nope, definitely worth it. Just to fix one tooth cost me over 1,000 francs.

Anonymous said...

sure, but how often do you have that kind of work? If the insurance costs say 250 a year, you have to have that kind of work more often that once every 4 years to make it worthwhile. And you still have the pay the excess.
Guess it depends on how much of the regular check-up/clean costs they cover

Witchbitch said...

True, until now I didn't use the coverage I paid for, but not getting any younger and knowing how much somebody else had to pay I want that coverage. Just in case.