Friday, June 20, 2014

No longer friends

It's a bit of an emotional time for me. I am about to cut somebody who used to be very close to me out of my life. Don't get me wrong. It's taken me a long time, years in fact, to get to this decision.

Nevertheless, it is a bit heartbreaking.

Last time I did it, was with a very close friend for about 20 years. But when she visited me, spent a whole evening talking about how much she hated her mother and all the wrong-doings she apparently made, while my mother was in the hospital dying, I decided it was time to cut the cord.

I knew her mother, and she was a perfectly good woman, caring about her daughter. Besides, my former friend borrowed money from me and never paid back.

It comes to a point when you had enough. And this is my point.

Still, it's sad but I'll get over it. You know, when you have already gone through the worst thing that can happen in your life, you realize you can live through anything. Not always pleasant, but hopefully you become stronger in the end of it.

After all, who wants to have friends who always put you down and make you feel unwelcome and not good enough? Not me, that's for sure.


Anonymous said...

oh no, that doesn't sound like fun. But you're right, sometimes these things have to be done, no point keeping people in your life that zap your energy and bring you down.


Witchbitch said...
