Thursday, June 12, 2014

There's a cat under my bed

This week I had a friend staying over. Not that I've seen a lot of him, what with working and going out every evening and all. Like I used to.

Anyway, this evening he came home, we had a drink together, and then he wanted to go to bed.

"There's a cat under my bed", he was complaining, not understanding that it was a big, in fact huge compliment. My cats do not take to people easily. The fact that one of them was under his bed was an enormous improvement.

And yes, he left the door open to the guest room while he wasn't there so that the cats had a chance to sniff through everything. I am so glad I didn't have to!


Anonymous said...

'My cats do not take to people easily'

ha, what an understatement!


Witchbitch said...

They do take to some people, those who visit often :).