Saturday, July 07, 2007

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

M has certainly changed in the last month. A month ago: "I'm so lonely". "I have no friends here". "I'm gonna stay home a lot, I don't like to go out on my own". "I'm so happy I know you and A". Today: I hardly see him, and neither does A. It's going out here, going out there. Think he was home at about 1 last night. Out again this afternoon. Home quickly to say that two friends will come and pick him up in 20 min. Gee! Nice of him to tell since I was still in my pyjamas. And here was I thinking that I had to intervene and get him out of the house, introducing him to my friends and in general take care of him. Little did I know! Good for you M. And good for me to know that there is a little party animal living inside you after all :)


Anonymous said...

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Well, if you want to set up a socal life, you need to have friends. And I know a lot of people who face the same problem here in Zurich. Tons of people move here and are hungry for contacts outside their work...

Witchbitch said...

Love the wording "hungry for contacts" :)