Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yesterday I got a weird phone call. All in German, so not sure I got it right. But it was somebody who asked if I was Annika. Couldn't deny that. And then he ranted on about the computer I had either bought or left with them. They now wanted to give it back. Of course I said I didn't understand what he was talking about, and he said something like "don't make a fuss, just take it". That's when I hung up. Somehow I don't think it was a free computer...and I feel uneasy when I'm alone at home with weirdos like this who know my name. Ok, so I'm in the phone book but still...


Anonymous said...

Sister you bear a famous name! you are in interrnet,blogging twice a day- at least. if each of us tells to their friends about you!! here we are, here is the phone call. Please don't hang up again, Hear first ,talk to him, than you have a material about your blog-for us!
Be famous for

Witchbitch said...

I did talk to him, but he was a weirdo. You think he wanted me to have a new computer, so that I could blog more :) ??

Anonymous said...

i would take /always/ two,instate of one..