Saturday, July 14, 2007

A tad late

It is so nice to meet up with friends after not having seen them for ages. Like a year or so. And it's amazing that with some people you just pick up where you left off. Easy-peasy. And tying back to previous blog item, this only applies to women for some reason (reason being communication, communication and yet more communication). Never mind. We managed to have a drink or three together, friends being appalled over my fav place but yet wanting to go back. I knew it! Everybody says they hate the place, but all I see are smiling faces. How bad can it be? So just home now. Later than planned. Tomorrow I have to organize for another friendgirl flying in. Doesn't matter, she knows me. All my friends are always welcome, even if I am not prepared. After all, we like to see each other, it's not the prepared flat or dinner that matters...

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