Wednesday, December 05, 2007


04.12.2007 21:21 As much as I detest this tv channel I must admit I do enjoy that commercial with George Clooney and the “Nespresso”. He is seriously cute. A man in my taste. And yes, I know, meeting him would not be the same, but a woman can dream ok? But the issue of the day seems to be this woman in Sudan, a teacher who allowed the class to name a teddybear Muhammed. And this caused a scandal amongst the muslims of gargantuan proportions. Excusez-moi? What is your fuckin’ problem? No sense of humour, no sense of proportion, no what-is-really-serious type of sense. It’s a friggin teddybear for gods sake. Or should I say for muhammeds sake :) These fundamentalists I will never understand…

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