Monday, December 03, 2007

Dinner party

28.11.2007 20:24 Not quite sure how it happened but I have invited 4 people for dinner tomorrow. It seemed like a good idea yesterday after all that wine… One of the guests is very particular with food. “I eat no meat, no cheese”. And then she proceeded to give me advise on what to cook “not that you have to, it’s your dinner party” but after repeating that a couple of times I felt the pressure. Well, she gave me a list of groceries to shop. And it was very specific. Like cheddar cheese. Took me a good 15 minutes to locate that particular sort. The sour cream I finally found after consulting an English-speaking family with a phrase book. Not that sour cream was listed, but with two clever heads we figured out where it was. Jalapenos were another tricky thing to find, and one of the spices I gave up on. Now I have gorilla arms after carrying all that stuff home…


Anonymous said...

'dinner party'
how come she put cheddar cheese on the list if she doesnt eat cheese?

Witchbitch said...

I guess she thought of the rest of us.