Friday, January 04, 2008

Passion vs rationality

I am torn in between yes I want this immediately and no I should wait. Here is my list: + it is not yet built, therefore I can have an influence on everything inside the flat + the price. Although costing an arm and two legs, you cannot find anything cheaper in the city + only 4 flats in the building and all of them will have different nationalities + same cost per month as I pay now, but will pay to myself rather than others + bigger than my current place + extremely modern with "minergy", meaning less use of precious energy, yet efficient + a "library". How cool is that? + two bathrooms + open space living room with kitchen Here's what's bothering me. - close to a really busy road with 65,000 vehicles passing every day. But with the Uetliberg-tunnel opening in the summer 2009 it is expected to decrease to 15-20% of current traffic. No promises though. - a bit further away from the city from where I'm living currently. Not too bad though. 200 m walkway away there is a tram/bus-station which will take me to the city in a little more than 10 minutes. - the COMMITMENT. Although I know now that I will stay in Zürich, it's still a really big commitment. But hey, I can always sell it, right? Thoughts anyone?


Anonymous said...

- ask the neighboors if any of them is playing an instrument or not. i had this nightmare on every saturday at 7:00AM when a young genius started to play on some intrument.
- check the windows, doors, if anyhing is closing well.
- check the cabling and pipes inside the walls. a friend of mine had a huge issue about the main waste pipe, what was broken just next to her house, and she had to pay the repair, unless she could swim in the wasteland...
- what is your responsibility whem something commonly used breaks
- how is the rat and insect killing is organized
- was there any robbery in that area
- how secure is the door
- has a balcony? in can be breached through the balcony if its not high, a friend of mine here in Zuerich had a breach through the balcony in Triemli
- how long does it take to get internet in the house. 3 months? who is the service provider?
- if you cook something, the smells are efficiently carried away?
- is there any mobile/radio transmission towers near to the house, how much is the overall radiation per square meter?
- is there any green area with trees, birds or lake?
- are there noisy children?

just a few...

I am also in a flat searching business, but I want to rent one.

Witchbitch said...

Be happy to accommodate you, but read again. The flat is NOT YET BUILT. Besides, neighbours change. And I seriously hope that rat and insect killing won't be necessary? Where do you live :)??

Anonymous said...

oh dear. the pix was not there last time. anyway, things can happen.

i mean its also good to check for the suppliers and the quality of build.

maybe its the excess rationality you always tell me about things...

maybe they will find oil or a secret treasure on the area.

are there any pipes going through the place? did you get some earth samples and sent to measure radioactivity?

will a melting in the spring danger the house?

looking in the future, i like it.
maybe it helped. if not then let me know. the good about a computer storage is that it could always be erased...

where do I live? on the Earth. it was not my choice believe me...