Saturday, January 12, 2008

Repeat performance

Ah fuck, did it again. Stayed out too late. At least I know Hallau-girl is safely back home. So am I. Ah well, next appointment is at 1 pm tomorrow for haircut. Means I can sleep at least 11 hours. G'night.


Anonymous said...

Repeat performance
I also broke my commitment for my body to sleep at 22:00. But the Band was great!

Anyway I sleept till 16:00.


Anonymous said...

Repeat performance

oh, with the haircut you will be nice hot and sexy for the salsa. ;) not to mention that u r always, but yet a little more.

I guess that I need to do my haircut as well. luckily I have only some fluffs on my head.

Witchbitch said...

Oh I don't know if I felt so hot and sexy (well, hot in the sense of sweating like a pig maybe :) last salsa course...too busy concentrating on the moves. But thank you!