Friday, January 11, 2008

Swiss enthusiasm

Think it can be described in one word: yawn. After I excitedly sms'd, rang and emailed everybody I could think of to tell them the exciting news about buying the "Etagenwohnung" I had all sorts of reactions: American: That's great news! English: That's terrific! But why isn't the second bathroom en-suite to the bedroom? Swedish: Sounds good (meaning: I'm jealous you can afford it). And too bad it takes so long before you can move in. Norwegian: Congratulations! Iraqi: Are you crazy? German: Is it close to shopping? Australian: Well done. Exciting. I'm jealous. When do you have to pay? Swiss: 'Yawn'. Perhaps I should explain. When I decided to buy I realized it would be a good idea to call my crooked lawyer friend to have him check the letter of intent. So left an excited voicemail on his machine. The sms back read: "Ok. Call me tomorrow". No congratulations. No I'm happy for you. The other was a Swiss woman who I told I had great news. And if she was interested she could check the blog. Answer on email: "If it about your future flat I read it! I also sent a comment…". Nothing on the congratulations front there either, and no comment... Sometimes I really love the Americans! (ah gosh, thought I'd never say that!)


Anonymous said...

Swiss enthusiasm

If we consider me as an alien, you also got "You did it!" "Yeah" or something similar.

I do not have a flat, just rooms at various places on the Earth.

Does somebody know an agent selling flats on the Mars?


Witchbitch said...

Yes, you're most supportive. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Swiss enthusiasm

NF: why r people saying thank you all the time? did i done something?

Witchbitch said...

"People" are polite.