Sunday, March 30, 2008
CG is arriving
So I just met my new flatmate. No time to think it over, he's moving in tomorrow. Fortunately I hadn't filled up the guest room after the last one, so he can just move straight in.
This'll be fun I'm sure, he seems nice. And he comes recommended from Tina. And he has no problem with me blogging about him, although he said "no naked pics". Exactly why he would say that I don't know, can't remember ever having posted one. Perhaps it's time :)??
Why Women should Rule the World
This book I will buy.
Tablegrill timeout
So, had a really nice tablegrill evening. Again. This time with a lovely couple. Nice, uncomplicated people who you can have good conversations with.
And as it turns out, I have to have another tablegrill tomorrow finishing the leftovers. On Tuesday it's time to go on a diet. Last time I did half a try, it didn't work out. So tomorrow it's raclette, Häagen-Dazs and other delicacies for the last time for at least a couple of months. Oh joy.
And don't forget to change to summertime tonight!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I am sooo behind on my sleeping account. This has probably something to do with my inability to say no to party (read parties). Scarlett and I say tomorrow is another day. Only when I finally get to bed it is tomorrow already.
But what the heck. I'm having fun!
Tap water
This is a lesson in how countries like Switzerland, Germany and Austria are the same but yet not. They would all resent it, but never mind.
When out last night we shared a table with a weird American (not an oxymoron!) who for some reason was very interested to learn what the words tap water would be in German.
Since we were a quite diverse group we learned the following:
Austrian: leitungswasser.
German: trinkwasser.
Swiss: hahnewasser.
No wonder I have trouble learning this friggin so called German language!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tablegrill weekend
Now when spring finally seems to have arrived, I am having two tablegrill dinners planned. Tonight it'll be Hallau-girl, a new chick who wants to step into my shoes, and Dobermann-woman. I expect us to throw lots of shit on men in general, and for sure a few in particular, and have lotsa fun.
Tomorrow the leftovers will be served to one of my favourite men (it has something to do with putz :) plus the latino.
After that, I'm putting the grill away for at least 6 months. On Sunday it's summertime!
Men are like tiles
Especially after having spent 2+ hours with the architect today. I really didn't realize that I would have to do all the work! Fuckin' hell. Talk about having to do decisions. I have to make a lot within the next 2 months. And why would I know where I need to have electrical outlets?
And btw, did you know that the tourist trap Zeughauskeller serves 0.5 meter of sausage?
Was in a meeting today with a kiwi. Well, I didn't know he was and it always bugs me when I don't know for sure where people come from. I had a feeling he was from N Zeeland because of his accent was wasn't sure. Got confirmed during the break when I asked.
Then our British friend told us when kiwis say ten it sounds like tin. And proceeded to tell us about this guy who spent a summer in kiwi-land working as a "dickwasher" on a yacht. Of course we had to translate the joke to ze Swiss, but I thought it was hilarious!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The smell
This my dear woman friends is why you need a man in your life. In case you didn't know...
Warning: old lady
I need a serious shot of something. And I need to stop showering my feet in chicken fat!
Room to rent in Zurich
I heard there is this football thing going on in Zürich this summer. I wonder if that would perhaps be an opportunity to charge at least an arm for my guest room? No English hooligans welcome obviously, but the Scottish are fun football fans.
Hmm, think I will put an ad out there.
A bit lost
Feels a bit weird to start the week on a Tuesday. Not that I'm complaining. Preferrably the week should start on a Friday! But it means I missed my going-out-Tuesday-just-because-it's-almost-the-middle-of-the-week thing. Which in turn means I have to do something about it today.
But then tomorrow there is another thing going on in the evening, on Friday it's tablegrill for the girls and Saturday tablegrill for the boys. Yes, I'm spreading them out rather than sharing my men with the girls. That is too dangerous! After all, I'm not 20 anymore...
But when have I been somebody to turn down a going-out evening, just because there is another one coming up tomorrow?
Shower in chicken fat
Have a wee problem with the drainage in my shower. When I flush something down in the kitchen (sink, washing machine or dishwasher) the water pops up in the shower. Last night I flushed some chicken fat down there, and guess what? This morning the floor of the shower was filled with orange, oily stuff. Yikes!
But I showered anyway, and I must say my feet felt smooth having been covered in the orange fat!
And coming home this evening, I discovered that the water doesn't go down at all anymore. It has come to a complete stop. And Putz-peter doesn't come until Saturday. It's a good thing I have a bath tub. And a bad thing that my personal plumber has gone on strike!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Gosh I'm getting depressed by this snowing. All winter we had no winter, and all of a sudden in the end of March it starts snowing. This is so not what I expected. It is summertime next weekend for gods sake.
Having a day off on a Monday is however a brilliant idea. Wish that would happen every week. Might have to celebrate with a small supposed to the big one I had on Saturday ;)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hopp Schwiiz
Remember wine-Patrick? I miss him. He was loads better than the current guys who just phone me up to sell me wine, rather than stopping by having me actually taste it first. Anyway, last time they called I was in a hurry and agreed to buy whatever they had on sale. Turned out to be some wine connected to that football-thing that will happen in the summer.
Normally I stay far away from Sauv blanc but tonight'll be an exception. With the tablegrill.
I am so not interested in buying bio-food, since I'm under the impression that it is overpriced and no guarantee for environmentally friendly growing/upbringing.
Mind you, when I left for holiday I also left some iceberg-salad in the fridge, knowing that the ex would look after my flat and he always checks out my fridge first thing he does. It cannot be that he thinks I eat badly (hello, just look at me!), but he takes a keen interest in food. Anyway. When I got back 8 days later it was still in the fridge, looking just as crisp as it did when I left it there. All in all, it ended up being about 2 weeks, and it was still fresh. That cannot be healthy! Didn't stop me from eating it though...
Orange sweater
I'm not sure what possessed me to impulsively buy an orange sweater while food-shopping (yes, Migros have clothes too). Orange is so not my colour. It must've been the Easter-feeling or something. Didn't even try it on in the shop, but it does fit. Will I wear it?
Think I was trying to break a pattern, me being fond of pink, blue, purple, black&white and maybe yellow. Absolutely not green, brown, red, grey or indeed orange. Ah well, only time can tell.
BTW, my quilt is done! I so look forward when it'll make its way into Zürich from Chicago.
My good deed
While at the boat I noticed a neighbouring boat with a wish to leave the bridge. The anchoring in the front was lose and the boat on its way into Limmat, mind you, still two clips on the sides but not enough to keep the boat in its place in rough weather. So called the Wasserschutzpolizei, and explained the situation. In German! Gosh I'm good. They thanked me and said they were going to have a look.
That's my good deed for today. Enough is enough.
I killed two babies
I cannot fucking believe it. After all my precautions the foiij*krj#kje??hyl§ing pigeons had still gotten in the boat and built a nest and laid two eggs. And guess where they are now? Swimming with the fish like in the Godfather. Would rather have had the parents doing the same, but they were out. Saw when I was leaving that they were trying to get in again, and couldn't. Ha!!
So now I have to look forward to a weekend in April, cleaning out tons of birdshit. Lucky me.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Ich liebe dick
Ok, so it wasn't me who said it. It was a British guy trying his best German :) and despite my determination not to laugh about somebody who tries to speak another language I really had to. And especially funny coming from a straight guy!
Old peoples conversation
You know how older people are with technical devices. They all have mobile phones these days but don't know much about how they work, so one day my friend got a phone call (well, not really but his phone rang) from his Mum, overhearing the following conversation:
Mum: "S, sit up for gods sake!".
Dad: (mumbling) "Leave me alone!".
Mum: "Sit up! You're always like this when you've been down the pub with your friends".
Dad: (mumbling) "Just leave me alone!".
Mum: "And you know you shouldn't eat brussel sprouts, you're always farting!".
Dad: (mumbling) "Stop bugging me".
I guess it's one way of sharing your daily life with your kids...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Houston - we have contact
Finally I got contacted by the architect today. I am so excited! Meeting planned for Thursday next week. He asked me to bring all my ideas (which I spent a boring flight on jotting down on an A4 - must remember to put in computer in categories!), catalogues etc. Have you any idea of how much it is to think about?
But this is fun. It's all gonna be about me and my taste, me and my ideas for design, me me me! Brilliant!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My dream man
Triggered by the friend who's looking for a woman made me think of what my dream man would be like. Something like this:
1. Sense of humor. Without humor I cannot live.
2. Same interests. I cannot be with somebody who is interested in uninteresting things like sport. If it doesn't interfere with dinners and conversations fine, but if it takes over I don't think so.
3. Kind to my friends. Experience has it that boyfriends who cannot accept and like my friends are not welcome in my life. At least not as boyfriends.
4. Attractive to me. A given.
5. Creative. I like to be surprised, overwhelmed, intrigued. Like coming home on a Monday evening and find the whole apartment lit up with candles, dinner made, and classic music on the cd player. Just an example.
6. Temperament. Since I happen to have one, I need somebody calm. Somebody who can tell me things are not so bad, it's not life-threatening, and certainly no need to shout. Who can just hug me and tell me things are going to be fine.
I can go on forever here, but since nobody's perfect (what a nice cliche!) I will stop right here. And if I don't find him, I will be fine anyway (I will survive - me and Gloria Gaynor). To be perfectly honest, I'm not looking. I am kinda happy as I am. Don't think I'm the partner person in the long run. Having only managed 2 years. Mind you, I managed a lot of 2-years :)...which weren't bad. But I digress.
So let's agree...let's be happy. Just the way we are!
Who knew there were so many new facilities in the fridge market? Like "3-way shelf and sliding shelves" (in case you have to store items (read bottles) that are taller than the shelf), "deep balconies" with storage space for frozen items like pizza and anything that comes in a box, "fast bottle chill: party mode" which you can guess what it's for and would suit me hand in glove, "surround cool" which apparently is an "innovative temperature control system that chills newly stored items much faster than a conventional fridge by blowing chilled air through vents in the back wall into the compartment". I'm yawning now, too much information.
But the "ice maker and water dispenser" plus the "can holders" kinda woke me up again. As well the fridge having a "vacation mode". I can relate to that.
Then of course there is the "side-by-side" fridge and freezer, the "fridge freezer", the "top freezer" and not to forget the "upright freezer". And the custom control for both temperature and humidity. And yadi-yadi-yada.
Think the easiest thing would be to actually go to a shop and have a look-feel. I'm just not a catalogue person. Any more of "capacity storage with adaptable whats-it" and "full electronic controls with LCD display" or "internal water filter with change indicator" I will go to sleep...zzzzzz.
Whirlpool again
Remember I told you about the company who doesn't sell what's in their name? Anyway, ordered a few catalogues from their website only to be sorely disappointed. A couple of pages of white (how hip is that?) open fridges, showing storage space and BORING data about fridges and washing machines. I don't understand. When I buy a refrigerator I want to see what it looks like. I don't give a damn about functionality, since I expect a fridge to actually keep my food and drinks cold. That's the whole idea.
I want to see the design, the color, the fancy-schmancy extras like ice-maker and whatever else fridges have these days (a computer to tell me when I am about to run out of wine?). Actually, coming to think of it, once I saw this really cool wine-fridge with glass door. That could be something for me.
So complained. And today I got two thick colored catalogues filled with all sorts of machinery. Or so I think, haven't gone through them yet. Only, they are not sure that all these devices are actually sold in Switzerland. But who cares. If I decide I want it, they will just have to ship it in!
Wanted: woman
As you might have noticed have had little inspiration for the blog lately (and you guys are not helping!). No comments, because Aussie girl is in Fiji and my most faithful reader who actually comments on a regular basis.
So was chatting with a friend today, who's looking for a woman. Tried to interview him to get description and promised to put it here as a wanted-ad.
This is his description: " ". A whole lotta nothing. I take it that he doesn't know what he is looking for.
Any woman takers out there who wants a guy who doesn't know his own USP?
Zürich is No 1
Front page of Heute today tells me that Zürich enjoys the highest purchase power in the world. As if I didn't know. Once again, Zürich No 1.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Famous Swiss
How many do you recognize? They even had to put Bridget Jones in there to fill up a page!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tonight I'm invited to something called Feuerzangenbowle. It sounds kinda hmmm, how can I put it, not so good. But I like the sound of caramelizing, is it like sweets? Soon I will know.
PS. I didn't really get an answer to my question yesterday. I guess it's hard to compare with something you never had.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A conversation today with English girl. Started out we had been to the toilet together, you know the way women do. Mind you, not the same actual toilet. I complained that I had one of these days where I pee a lot for no apparent reason. The body's way of telling me I have too much fluid in me.
So, complaining in general about being a woman, but pointing out that I didn't want a sex change. That's when she said thoughtfully "I wonder what it would be like to be a man?". So I suggested she'd try walking around with a strap-on for a day...
PS. Having dinner with gay friend this evening. Will ask what it's like and report back.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tenerife - nightlife
One night we had dinner at a fancy place. So fancy that they had a piano-player. Mind you, it was more machines than player but never mind. My friend had taken salsa classes, and as you know so had I. So we went for it.
After I went to the ladies, and was approached by this somewhat older lady. She said "I just want to say you danced fantastically. Stan and I used to do that too before I had my dual hip replacement". Hmmm.
Told my friend when back on the dancefloor and gentleman as he is, he suggested we changed partners. Meaning I got to dance with the man with big belly and bad breath, but must admit ever so nice. The couple told us they were 156 years old together.
Yes, Tenerife rocks. Sort of...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tenerife - back in town
Best breakfast buffet I've come across in my short life. There were tables left, right and center with freshly baked bread, cheese, ham, sausages, fried, boiled and scrambled eggs, omelettes, marmelades, muesli, fresh fruit and juices. You name it, they had it. I tell ya freshly squeezed strawberry juice in the morning is something else.
Not to mention the strawberry daiquiries I enjoyed in the evenings.
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