Friday, July 24, 2009

Green-something go home

Unfortunately 20 minuten today featured some "world-famous" German singer (I never heard of him but I think it's this guy) who apparently enjoys his breakfast (according to the paper he prefers the tuna-mousse - gee I'm so glad they told me!) at my around-the-corner-place. Thing is we planned to go there on Sunday, Bro is coming to town with a friend and some of my friends are joining. Fearing now when it's been in the paper it's gonna be even more packed than usual. Well, I saw it first. And Scandinavians are usually more liked here than ze Germans. Good!


Anonymous said...

even more that the incredibly rich Germans!
seriously, you have never heard of Groenemeyer?!!! I'm really wondering about your powers of observation (or whatever the listening equivalent is). I know you listen to the radio.

Witchbitch said...

I only listen to the radio on the boat, radio Zürichsee. More into live music. And no, never heard of the guy.