Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Biggest loser

Haha, gotta laugh at myself but I am hooked on a reality soap called "Biggest loser". It's about fat people who go to training camp in order to lose weight. They are in teams of two, and each week they weigh in and the team that lost the least gets to go home. On one hand it makes me feel good about myself because I have never (and never will be) as fat as they are, on the other hand they do a helluva lot more exercise than I do (and ever will do), which I suppose is good for them. Anyway, I am hooked.


Anonymous said...

Very easy to get sucked into that show, the best bit is at the end of the series with the before and after pics/videos. but I’m glad I weaned myself off it, although I think maybe they don’t show it here anymore

Witchbitch said...

So if I told you that you can find episodes online, you would ignore it?

Anonymous said...

I love this show. Everyone in our office is always talking about it..we're into season 11 here..I've been a fan since season 3!

Anonymous said...

'fattest loser'
most definitely, I dont even watch TV shows I like online. Television just isnt worth the effort or waste of my download capacity

Witchbitch said...

No need to download, just stream.