It's a good news bad news thing. "My" party and its alliances got 49,3%. Which is not enough for being in majority. The interesting thing is that they are still counting the votes from abroad (i.e. me and another 124,999 people...give or take). We can make the difference. It's probably not gonna change on the whole, but still.
The very, very bad news is that the neo-nazis got a whopping 6% of the votes. It amounts to roughly 390,000 people voting to keep "the country clean from foreigners". It is worth to mention that people in this country think they invented the pizza, they love their kebabs, they are happy to drive cars made in some other country, they buy cheapo clothes manufactured in Taiwan, they are happy to go on holiday in Thailand, and when they have a "foreigner" in their family they say "it's not the same". Foreigner in this case could be somebody who is born in the country, but their parents were not.
I think it's clear on where I stand, especially being a foreigner myself. But it made me think. Where is Switzerland on this? When I first googled it I found this. Is the neonazi party in Switzerland really such a big player? Scary big time.
Then I (well Bro actually) found this info.
In short my analysis is that when people get scared, when they lose their job, when they are in trouble, they want to find a scapegoat. And the foreigners are to blame. "They come here, they take our women (men?), they take our jobs, they get contributions to their lifestyle", and so on.
Well, my message is: get off your lazy asses and do something yourself! My firm belief is that most people want to contribute, want to be good, want to be a part of a respected community. I don't care if you are black, red, white, green, yellow or even blue. If you are a good person, you should be welcome anywhere!
And SVP, when I get a Swiss passport, don't even get near me trying to get a vote!
ah yes, I saw something in the news about your elcetion being almost as much as a debacle as ours. Luckily however, here, the slide away from the major parties was to the Greens rather than neo nazis or equivalent
We just have to realize that 6% are just stupid. Perhaps that's a representative view of people most places?
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